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we won't be left behind

Tell the UK government: health and social care workers need their pay rise NOW

While colleagues in the NHS in England, Scotland and Wales have received their pay award, health and social care (HSC) workers in Northern Ireland have been ignored and left to struggle through the cost-of-living scandal.

They are STILL waiting for their pay rise.

Without an Executive and Assembly, the Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris has been setting the budget for public services – and what he's provided simply does not allow a decent pay award to be made. 

It's time for the Secretary of State and the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to act: to get the funding flowing and stop ordinary workers falling through the cracks.

Add your voice now by sending an email to them both, whether you work in HSC services or want to give these hard-working staff your backing.

You'll be able to edit the email however you like, or if you don't have time you can send it as it is. It only takes a minute.

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