How can you tackle a 7.5 million strong waiting list without listening to the staff you need to make it happen?
How can you improve staff morale without addressing the real pain points they face?
How can you keep staff in the health service without putting NHS pay right?
You can’t.
In the summer, the government committed to talks with unions and employers to fix the serious issues with your pay structure. UNISON members said loud and clear that they need urgent action to address under-banding, lack of reward for progression and the lowest-paid staff repeatedly dipping below the legal minimum wage.
But instead of keeping its word, the government is now bypassing unions and asking the outdated Pay Review Body to make recommendations on the budget for these essential repairs. That adds unnecessary delays, kicking the can down the road on important issues. And what’s more, it says the cost of fixing the pay structure will knock money off the 2.8% set aside for your next pay rise.
Does that seem fair, with everything you’re being asked to do?
The government has a ‘10-year plan’ for the NHS, but for that to have a chance of success it first needs a 10-week plan to sit down with NHS staff unions and negotiate before the annual 1 April pay date.
92% of UNISON members say that the government settling pay promptly would send a strong signal that it is trying to improve things for NHS staff, and 99% agree the government should urgently open talks on the pay structure, as it promised.
It's time for talks. Will your MP back the NHS and its staff by putting pressure on the government to change course? Ask them now!
The template email is tailored according to party and role, and while pay settlements for England have implications for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, this action is just for MPs in England at the moment.