No Going Back to Normal

Dear Prime Minister and Chancellor,

We are writing to you on behalf of the key workers who stepped up and kept this country safe and well during the pandemic.

Now that more things are starting to get back to normal, this is the time to really think about what going "back to normal" means for the people who have kept us all going over the last six months.

Because for the majority of key workers, back to normal means back to being undervalued.

I agree with the public services union UNISON that the last 10 years have seen the vital services that look after our communities damaged by cuts and under-investment. Staff have been undervalued and pay has fallen in real terms.

This autumn you have the opportunity to make normal better for public services and key workers across the UK. Please take action now to protect the people that protected all of us. We are asking you to:

  • Rebuild all our public services across the UK, through sustained long-term investment, safe staffing levels and training
  • Properly value everyone working in all our public services – tackling low pay and ensuring those who’ve kept services running are properly rewarded.
  • Create fairer and safer workplaces where there are full risk assessments and PPE for those that need it. 
  • Build a more equal post COVID-19 society, in which the inequalities that have become so evident during the crisis are addressed as a matter of urgency       

We cannot go back to taking our key workers and public services for granted. We look forward to your response.


Act now. Add your name.